Check DNS AAAA Records (IPv6)

A AAAA record (pronounced "quad A") is a DNS record that maps a domain name to an IPv6 IP address. For example, the AAAA record maps to the 2604:a880:800:10::7a1:b001 IPv6 address. The IPv4 equivalent of a AAAA record is an A record.

"AAAA record" is pronounced "quad A record".

AAAA records are defined in RFC 3596.

DNS Check can monitor your AAAA records, and notify you if they become unresolvable, or start resolving to the wrong IP address.


Here are the fields that make up a AAAA record:

Field Description Example
Name A fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
Type The DNS record type. Always set to "AAAA". AAAA
Address An IPv6 IP address. 2604:a880:800:10::7a1:b001

DNS Zone File Examples

Here's an example of how a AAAA record looks in a DNS zone file:

; Name           Type  Address AAAA  2604:a880:800:10::7a1:b001

The Name ends in a period in the above example, so it's a fully qualified domain name.

Alternatively, you can create a AAAA record that's relative to the zone file's $ORIGIN. Here's an example of how to use this technique to define the same record as in the previous example:

; Name           Type  Address
www              AAAA  2604:a880:800:10::7a1:b001

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